Can I have a little whine with that geez?

For the Week of July 29, 2024
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They say God doesn't like ugly, and it couldn't get any uglier than Steffy's rants against Sheila, Hope, Ridge, and Brooke. Steffy and Brooke agree that the sun has set on Brooke's lingerie-modeling days. Is it because Brooke is too old or too Brooke? While Katie investigates Poppy, Bill's bromance with Justin Barber reignites. Should Katie worry that Poppy's a murderer, or is it Justin? Hope's attraction to Finn heats up, but will Dr. Ice melt under her advances? Geez, Louise! Let's scoop!

Brooke fan or not, viewers can agree that there was something both impish and romantic about Brooke's seduction attempts over the years -- even if she sometimes threw a thrill party for the wrong person, like Taylor or Stephanie, who'd walk in while Brooke showed a little leg from behind the dressing screen. Her seductions were also humorous, like the time Brooke talked Ridge into getting naked for a skinny-dip, only to leave him naked and blue by the pool.

Hope worries about becoming like her mother, but her vapid attempt at seducing Finn proves she's not in any danger of turning into Brooke. Hope's flirtations were as enticing as a root canal for Dr. Ice, whose interest didn't rise above "not interested" Celsius when tinsel-fringe-wearing Hope asked if he could make her dreams come true. Hope's heart just wasn't in it, which conflicts with the notion that she passionately went after Thomas to cover her half-hearted desire for Finn.

It's not surprising that the morally revised Hope would throw herself at her nemesis' husband for revenge. The writers have worked hard to lower viewers' expectations of the heroine, but Hope's major flaw as the show's new vixen is Hope's lack of commitment to the role. After all this time, she still fears becoming like her mother. Someone should tell Hope that lingerie has already fallen out of the drawer, and there's no stuffing it back in now.

Hope needs to embrace her inner Brooke before setting out to steal someone else's man, even if it's just for spite. Anything less is inauthentic, as proven when Finn avoided temptation and told her to get dressed. She claimed no other man would tell her to do that. I'm not sure how she'd know that when Finn is the first man she's tried this on without knowing his feelings beforehand. If Hope wants her dreams about Finn to come true, she should stop fearing becoming Brooke Jr. and take notes from Brooke's relaunch on how to become Brooke Jr.

It's unclear if Dr. Ice was entirely unfazed by Hope. I suspect their encounter shook him enough to seek forgiveness from Steffy for not staying away from Sheila. As Steffy accepted his apology, she was unaware that Finn had not steered clear of Hope as instructed and that Hope had propositioned him.

Was Finn's apology driven by guilt over Hope? Should he have told Steffy what happened, or was it acceptable for him to keep it to himself, as Steffy did with Liam's kisses? Finally, how will Hope react to Finn not informing Steffy?

I hear Forrester Antarctica is hiring

Steffy wants a Logan-free zone because she's tired of the constant Logan presence. News flash for Steffy: the Logans are tired of her, too, and so is Sheila. With so many vendettas on Steffy's plate, I wonder who she actually gets along with besides her husband and Liam. Hope can't be happy for her mother without Steffy snapping her nose off. For the first time in history, Brooke and Ridge locked a door, and they still got reamed by the impatient Steffy after she'd been the one to unlock the door on their canoodling session. Steffy's headed toward a breakdown if she can't manage her bitterness toward Brooke, Hope, Sheila, and Ridge.

Steffy fears Sheila's freedom means Sheila could show up at her house and manipulate Finn. In reality, it's more likely Steffy will invade Sheila's space than the other way around. If anyone's manipulated Finn, it's Steffy, who turned him against his birth mother, despite his change of heart after rescuing Sheila. Steffy needs to move on because the Sheila versus Steffy feud is expired and at a dead end. Let Sheila serve pizza in peace!

Regarding Steffy's grudge against Brooke, Ridge finally told his daughter to blame him for walking out on her mother, not Brooke. It would have been helpful if he'd also mentioned that Steffy could blame Taylor for pretending to be more virtuous than Brooke while covering up a one-plane-crash stand. Ridge's words were a step in the right direction, as Steffy's rage at Brooke is really displaced anger toward him.

Logan anger aside, Steffy's issues with Ridge also run corporate. She's angry at him for going rogue as co-CEO, not supporting her in the HFTF decision, and taking Brooke on a trip Steffy wanted to share with her father. Steffy is nostalgic for a time when her family was just her parents and siblings -- before Brooke and Hope entered the picture. That sense of normalcy was shattered when Sheila accidentally shot Taylor. Steffy should really be directing her anger toward Massimo, who is more responsible for her family's separation.

Sorting through all this is complicated. Until Steffy can reconcile these feelings, she might find more peace working at Forrester Antarctica than dealing with all the Logans in L.A. Oh, wait, the Logans will always be where Steffy is because she lets them live rent-free in her head.

Beauty is where you find it: Vogue

Brooke's Bedroom isn't new; Ridge's relaunch is the second one since its debut. Under Brooke's -- and also Bill's -- advisement, Forrester has previously showcased Brooke on a mattress, but this time, there's a message beyond "Don't-cha wish your girlfriend was hot like Brooke?"

The message is that beauty is how one perceives oneself. Ridge is right: people can improve with age. Wisdom and confidence enhance sex appeal, though age can also bring damage from negative experiences. Grudges and vendettas can wear a person down, which is why Ridge urged Steffy to let go of her resentment toward Brooke to preserve Steffy's own peace and beauty. Given Steffy's snarky comment about the prop mattress, it's doubtful she took Ridge's advice to heart. It's a shame, as neither God nor wrinkles favor ugliness.

Last week, Brooke and Steffy agreed Brooke shouldn't model, but for different reasons. Brooke worries about being too old and the judgment that comes with it, while Steffy views Brooke as a homewrecker seeking to manipulate Ridge and hog the spotlight. Notably, Steffy didn't say Brooke no longer has it -- everyone, including Steffy, knows Brooke has it in spades, and Steffy is lying to herself if she really thinks this launch will fail. On the contrary, she probably fears its success will make her lose her father even more.

Brooke still sees herself as the vibrant young woman she was when she met Ridge, the same Brooke who vowed to achieve greatness. As for the question of who she thinks she is, she's been answering that her whole life with achievement, beauty, and sex appeal. Who does she think she is? Brooke Logan. I can't wait to see her take the stage and show what she can do.

Finally, Brooke made a significant point about aging. She told Ridge it's a privilege that not everyone gets to experience. This was a poignant reminder, especially given that Hollis died too young.

Who says you can't go home again?

Whoever said you can't go home again clearly doesn't know Katie Logan. She keeps showing up at Poppy and Bill's place, often when they least expect it. Perhaps they should expect it always, especially since Katie claims she'll be around whenever Will is. Katie believes her "baby-mama" privileges never expire, but Poppy isn't about to let Katie push her around.

I'm siding with Poppy here. I can't wait for her to tell the guards to keep Katie out. Katie can only use the Will card so many times. She's voiced concerns to Li about Poppy's "territorial nature," yet she's the one invading Bill's house, claiming her rights as the ex-wife who raised Will there! Poppy thinks Katie has seller's remorse, but it's more like abandoner's remorse, if you ask me.

Though I'm fond of Poppy, she was silly to assert that she was living there, raising her daughter with Bill. Luna is an intern who drinks Champagne. What more "raising" does she need? Poppy wants to lull Bill back to bed, but he has more important places to be -- like Li's office and the murder restaurant. And who does he meet at the murder restaurant? Justin Barber.

While I was just a Brooke's-finger-snap close to saying Katie committed the murders just to give herself a reason to snoop, accuse, and judge Poppy, Justin leapt from the backburner and floated to the top of the "sus" pool. Could Bill's fixer have fixed the paternity tests because he knew how much having a daughter would mean to Bill?

If you blinked, you might have missed it

Li is beautiful when she smiles. Li spends her days scowling and looking down her nose at Poppy, but in a rare and touching moment with Bill, Li smiled and lit up the screen with her beauty. Bill brought her into the Spencer fold, and based on the information Li gave Bill and Katie about the paternity test, I doubt she tampered with it.

Liam is looking sharp, but boy, is he dull. Liam visited Steffy, and she noticed that he was looking sharp. Too bad he's incredibly dull now that the character has been reduced to Steffy's sounding-board monkey. Can Liam at least end a phone call with Ivy as he enters an office? Anything to let viewers know there are signs of life in his life?

Justin and Bill made up off-screen. The moment I was waiting for ever since Justin and Bill's bromance ended, and I missed it? It happened off-screen? Back then, they were more hurt to lose each other than Liam and Hope were during their divorce. I need to know how Bill got over Justin leaving Bill to rot in jail pronto!

Deacon stood up for Sheila! Yes! Thank goodness Deacon refused to suffer Bill's putdowns about his wife. During Deacon's conversation with Bill and Justin, it was revealed that the power had gone out the night Hollis died. I'm not sure if that is significant, but didn't Sheila say she was inventorying or something that night? She didn't mention the power being out.

In a look ahead: Daddy's little girl is left behind

Up next on The Bold and the Beautiful, another blood-curdling scream rings out. This time, it's Poppy screaming as the door opens to the bedroom where she and Bill make out on a bed. From the look of the shoe in the bedroom doorway, I predict Will just arrived home. What are the odds that his Scooby-Doo Gang mom isn't far behind him?

A spoiler indicates that Zende has a part in Brooke's Bedroom. Before anyone asks who's working on HFTF, I think Zende is the photographer for Brooke's photoshoot. Imagine having to photograph your aunt in her undies! Now, as for who is working on HFTF, I guess novice, never-had-his-own-line R.J. is the sole savior of his sister's line.

Poppy reveals to Bill that Tom had thought that he was Luna's father. Luna discovers something in Poppy's apartment. If this spoiler is worded correctly, I wonder why Poppy still has an apartment. People usually keep old apartments just in case things do not work out at their new home, but isn't Poppy supposed to be all-in with Bill?

Hope realizes an oversight of Steffy's. A debacle at the airport ensues when Steffy can't find her passport. I'm guessing Steffy misses her flight, but she bites back when Hope revels in Steffy's misadventure. By week's end, Finn lands himself in a situation between Hope and Steffy.

That's it. That's all the scoops and nothing but the scoops. If you have any scoops I might have missed, serve them up on a dish in the comments section below. Until we scoop again, stay bold and beautiful, baby!

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